Jarvis bounced in 8th at World Series of Poker

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Jarvis bounced in 8th at World Series of poker

Canadian poker player Matthew Jarvis was eliminated Saturday from the World Series of Poker in eighth place after coming one card from doubling his stack through Michael “The Grinder” Mizrachi.

Bonita resident at ultimate poker table

This weekend
the 24-year-old Bonita Springs resident John Ryan Dolan will be seated at a poker table in Las Vegas
where he stands to take home $8.

World Series of Poker Coverage

This is the time of year that I’m swamped with work covering the World Series of Poker. The World Series of Poker is a great time to do poker SEO and get the ball rolling on your sites. I spend 8 hours a day watching chip counts and keeping track of who’s on [...]

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